I drew a line, I drew a line for you

Violating the boundaries I set myself, for myself, I cross over into the scary arena of real conversation – the no man’s land. The very web I ran away from – the trap of expectation and disappointment – I fall prey to it. I stand in front of you like a beggar with hands stretched, having bared my all, and you? You stand there telling me I shouldn’t be here. I look up to you with eyes hungry for a real answer, a real reciprocation, but all I am able to generate is robotic sentences that make the decision for entering the no man’s land proven definitely wrong.

And all I am left with is disappointment. Disappointment and deep, crushing, disabling guilt. But I love you still. It is me I hate.

Title: Coldplay. Yellow.

2 thoughts on “I drew a line, I drew a line for you

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